The Building Evaluation & Review Group provides due diligence and
project monitoring/ inspection services to Lenders, and as the Owner's
Representative to Developers and other Project Sponsors. Prior to
construction, these services typically include plan and specification review, budget
review, contract and bid review, and value engineering. During the construction
phase, services typically include project monitoring and reporting. These services
effectuate independent oversight and monitoring, and result in a substantially
higher degree of accountability on the part of the project design team and
contractors. These services do not duplicate the design or project
administration services typically provided by the project design team, but do
provide reasonable due diligence to assure that the project design is not
wasteful, that the plans and specifications are reasonably complete and adequate
to communicate the scope and method of project implementation, and that each
progress payment properly reflects the state of project completion, both
quantitatively and qualitatively. |